2. I have conferred with the said doctor or other doctors about the nature and purpose of the operation or
procedure and the possibility that complication may arise or develop risks which may be involved and possible
alternate methods of treatment.
3. I authorize and direct the above-named doctor and/or his/her associate and assistant to provide such
additional services as they seem reasonable and necessary including but not limited to the administration and
maintenance of anesthesia and the performance of services involving pathology and radiology.
4. Any tissues or parts surgically removed may be retained or disposed of by this clinic in accordance with its
accustomed practice.
5. I Agree to settle the professional fee arise after the completion of my Consultation / Treatments /
Procedures and all additional expenses and charges.
6. I have faithfully followed the pre-operative instruction given by the above-named doctor.
Having received an explanation and given informed consent, I hereby agree and release this clinic, its
doctors, employees and dental staff from further responsibility with regards to permission for this operation
or procedure and the outcome thereof
Patient Name
Patient Signature
Relationship of the signatory to patient:
If patient is a minor, name of patient or guardian:
Complete the following: Where the patient is incapable of signing and another person signs instead, indicate why the patient is not able to
give consent personally or sign this form.